Sunday, May 8, 2011

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros//Concert Review

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Again, late on this whole blog thing. Finales are coming up and blah blah blah...


So last Sunday at the McDowell Mountain Music Festival, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros was the last band for the festival. How can I put this...if you have not heard of this band, you must listen to them now and go ahead and buy yourself a ticket to the next show they have. These guys are phenomenal, they where just in Arizona on the Railroad revival tour (which I missed out on) just a week before and still came back to help put on a show at the Festival, which was raising money for a couple of charities in Arizona.

Even though you could tell these guys where exhausted before they came on stage, they still gave over 100 percent of their energy and gave a amazing performance. Besides playing almost all their songs off their album, they also played a couple of songs that were in the works (which I must say just from the 3 songs they sang, I already know it's going to be a great album). For their popular song Home, Jade was gone (not sure why) so Alexander (the lead singer, no there is no body in the band named Edward Sharpe) invited fans who knew the words to come up and sing with the band.
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Gotta give the kid in the yellow shirt/hippie dad shirt his props. He had a busted up foot and came to this festival. Got to love those kind of fans. Of course everyone sang to this song and wend crazy for it.

For those of you that don't know what Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros sounds like, I guess the best way to describe it as....the 1970's folk music meets the 2000's. Their music reminds me a lot of the era. It's a fresh yet familiar sound.

One of the things that I must say I admire about the band is how much they truly love their fans. Most bands kind of shrug off fans as if they are possessive idiots but these guys don't. When I saw a partially crazed fan (who pushed her way to the front) ask to get a picture with the lead singer, he actually stood there and explained why he couldn't do that. Usually most lead singers brush fans off and keep walking like most band members I've seen do. Everyone must respect someone with that much genuine care for fans. These days I fill like most bands that start getting just a little popular, start to forget who put them there. Fans. Doesn't matter if they've been there since the first demo release or got turned on by the radio. Fans are fans.

So there's my little rant on that. Enjoy the pics! Again, wasn't able to use my Canon beast. Thank God for Panasonic!

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