Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sneak Peeks and Explanations

I'm alive! Sorry I've been M.I.A. for a while, guys. Lots of stuff has been going on. Life got crazy for a while, between finals,editing and my sister having to go to the hospital. It's safe to say I've had my hands full.

Before I get comments asking about my sister, I'll explain.

She literally broke her face.

Yes, broke her face.

She is goalie on her high school soccer team and as she blocked the ball a girl from the other team slide her knee into my sisters right eye. She broke her nose and orbital bone under her right eye. Of course my parents were out of town during all of this, so I had to be there for all of this. No, I did not see it happen and yes, I do want to beat up the girl (just kidding, I know it was an accident).

It's been about two weeks since then and she is almost completely healed up.It's amazing how quickly prayer helped speed up the healing process. Thank you for all of you who knew about the situation and kept her in your thoughts and prayers!

Anyways, now that I've ranted and unnecessarily explained myself. Here are the photos. The first one was a experiment about a month ago. Second, a sneak peek from a beautiful 25th Anniversary. Last but not least another sneak peek for the Vasquez Family.

Enjoy! More to come soon!



Vasquez Family
